With a population of around 300,000, Vanuatu is a country with a young population and education is crucial for its development. However, despite efforts to improve access to education, the enrollment rates remain a challenge in Vanuatu. The overall enrolment rate in primary is around 82%, with a slightly lower rate in secondary school at 68%. There are also significant disparities in enrolments rates between urban and rural areas, with urban area having higher enrolments rates. Additional, gender-based disparities persist, with boys having a slightly higher enrolments than girls. The reasons for low enrolment rates are complex and include financial barriers, poor infrastructure, and cultural attitudes that prioritize other activities over education. Addressing these challenges will require a multi-pronged approach that involves investing in education infrastructure, providing financial support to families, and working with communities to change attitudes towards education. Ultimately, improving enrolment rates in Vanuatu is essential for its economic, social and environment development.


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This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from Vanuatu statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from Vanuatuan statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other Vanuatu-specific metadata information.

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