Resource allocation and service delivery

Demographics statistics about the population of a particular geography such as your province, constituency, area council or nation profoundly affect how important decisions are made. Demographic data offers one source of reliable data that provides valuable insights about a community’s future infrastructure needs, resource allocation, and demand for services. With Vanuatu being the most disaster affected country in the world, these statistics are especially important for emergency planning. They also help determine where aid and assistance programs are targeted, what businesses might move to your community, and how your vote counts in an election. All area council, constituency, provincial and national plans, which present a vision for growth and development, should include a section dedicated to demographic trends that informs and/or relates to the community vision.​

Note Official population counts were collected during the 2016 (mini) and 2020 National Population and Household Census. Other annual figures are estimates based on population growth rates.


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Headline data

Geographical Area: Vanuatu

Unit of Measurement:


This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from Vanuatu statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from Vanuatuan statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other Vanuatu-specific metadata information.

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