Edit Configuration: SOC4.2.1

This form will produce an indicator's configuration for your Open SDG implementation.

Used as a label for the COMPOSITE_BREAKDOWN column, if it appears in the indicator data.

Unit of measurement which displays below the indicator chart.

Copyright which displays below the indicator chart.

Footnote which displays below the indicator chart.

Whether the indicator is statistical (can be charted/graphed) or not.

A CSS class to apply to the data notice for this indicator.

A title to display above the data notice for this indicator.

Text to display as a data notice for this indicator, intended to contain very important information which site viewers must keep in mind when using the data provided.

Whether the indicator should display a Map tab.

Disaggregation values for a an indicator to start with already selected

A footer that displays below the embedded feature. Only used with either embedded_feature_url or embedded_feature_html.

Any HTML to display in another tab, after Chart/Table/etc.

A title for the embedded feature tab (ie, Chart/Table/[this]). Only used with either embedded_feature_url or embedded_feature_html.

A title that displays above the embedded feature. Only used with either embedded_feature_url or embedded_feature_html.

Any URL to display as an iframe in another tab, after Chart/Table/etc.

An optional list of disaggregations (ie, data column names) to use when calculating the disaggregation status statistics.

Additional arbitrary information to display beneath the graph/table.

This can be used to add line annotations to the graph, such as target lines to show the progress towards the 2030 goal for an indicator.

A list of min/max limits controlling the lowest/highest values to be shown on the y-axis.

A list of series break (ie, a gap among the years) lines to display on the graph.

This can be used with the bar graph type to place a certain disaggregation into the same stacked bars.

A list of target lines to display on the graph.

The title that displays above the graph/chart.

As an alternative to `graph_title`, this can be used to set specific titles for particular units and/or series.

What type of graph to use for the indicator.

An optional sub-title for the indicator, which displays below the indicator name. Intended for cases where the available data is slightly different than the indicator name.

The name for the indicator, which displays at the top of the indicator page.

The number (or 'id') for the indicator.

Assign content for the indicator tabs, if the override box is checked. Otherwise this indicator will use the assignments set in your site configuration.

A label used in the absence of any disaggregation.

Content which displays in the main content area of the indicator page.

Overrides the normal path of the indicator page. Not recommended, execpt for 'standalone' indicators.

Entering text here identifies this as a 'placeholder' indicator. The text will be displayed on the goal page, in place of a link to the indicator page.

Control the number of decimal places for data in this indicator.

The progress status of the indicator.

Whether the indicator is a 'proxy' (meaning that it is somehow different than the globally-defined SDG indicator).

A list of each series within this indicator that should be considered a proxy (meaning that it is different somehow from the globally-defined series). Only needed if you chose 'Mixed series' above.

This setting controls the content of the 'Related publications' tab. It can contain any number of publications. You may have much of this information in the indicator metadata, but this configuration is available to supplement the metadata with a more structured way to list multiple publications.

This setting controls the 'Related indicators' tab. Specify indicators by using their indicator numbers, such as: 1.1.1

The reporting status of the indicator.

Override the default order in which this indicator is displayed in lists. This can be left blank, and it will be automatically determined.

This setting controls the content of the 'Sources' tab. It can contain any number sources. You may have much of this information in the metadata, but this configuration is available to supplement the metadata with a more structured way to list multiple sources.

Whether the indicator is standalone (separate from the SDGs) or not.

An optional list of 'tags' to display under an indicator when it is listed on its goal page.

A label beneath the X axis on charts. This overrides the same site configuration setting.